05 Th |
O |
Don Carlo
18:00 | Muzikālais vadītājs un diriģents: Frédéric Chaslin | |
07 Sa |
O | Don Carlo | 15:00 | Muzikālais vadītājs un diriģents: Frédéric Chaslin | |
08 Su |
O | Don Carlo | 15:00 | Muzikālais vadītājs un diriģents: Frédéric Chaslin | |
12 Th |
O | Die lustige Witwe | 19:00 | Conductor: Kaspars Ādamsons | |
14 Sa |
O | Amahl and the Night Visitors | 12:00 | Music Director and Conductor: Andris Veismanis | |
14 Sa |
O | Amahl and the Night Visitors | 16:00 | Music Director and Conductor: Andris Veismanis | |
14 Sa |
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Adriana Lecouvreur
Bujonas hercogienes lomā pirmo reizi Ramona Zaharija
19:00 | Music Director and Conductor: Mārtiņš Ozoliņš | |
18 We |
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Titullomā pirmo reizi Nana Dzidziguri
19:00 | Conductor: Mārtiņš Ozoliņš | |
20 Fr |
O | Adriana Lecouvreur | 19:00 | Music Director and Conductor: Mārtiņš Ozoliņš | |
22 Su |
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Kalafa lomā pirmo reizi Kristiāns Benedikts
15:00 | Conductor: Mārtiņš Ozoliņš | |
26 Th |
O | DON GIOVANNI | 19:00 | Music Director and Conductor: Andris Veismanis | |
28 Sa |
O | Aida | 19:00 | Conductor: Mārtiņš Ozoliņš |